Product update: Whiteboard

New functionality is continously added to Alkemio. A big step forward was taken recently when we launched Whiteboards.
What is a Whiteboard?
A Whiteboard on the Alkemio platform is essentially a whiteboard whereby users can create and collaborate visually. It is similar to well known tools such as Miro, but adapted to support the flows needed for Alkemio users.
The data for Whiteboards in Alkemio is stored within the platform and managed within the context of a Challenge or Hub. It does not reside on the servers of yet another service. The data is yours and you can download it / use it elsewhere.
Whiteboards can be either blank sheets to be filled in, or they can be created using a Whiteboard Template. A Whiteboard Template is an existing Whiteboard that can be used as a base for further work. Whiteboard Templates can be made available at the Hub or Challenge level. When a Whiteboard Template is made available at the Hub level, they are automatically available to all Challenges within that Hub.
What can I do with them?
Whiteboards are a great way to share best practices, for example on how to brainstorm around your potential business model, creating a storyboard or describing your key customers. Instead of searching for ways to do so, you can choose one of the available Templates and start immediately.
Furthermore, they can provide the core material that should be used by people working on Challenges within a particular context. Let’s show you three examples!
First, the Template below can be used to create personas. It allows you to define the most important characteristics of key stakeholders.
Second, the following Template can help you brainstorm about the core elements of a business model. As you can see, the Template can also include useful icons for such a process.
Third, you can also add guidelines on how to use the Template as shown in this example of the Triple Diamond Model.
You can find some more Canvases in the following Challenge where we will be sharing additional Template examples.
How are Whiteboards implemented in Alkemio?
Alkemio is committed to Open Source. So we were very keen to also base core functionality like Whiteboards on open source components.
The Whiteboards in Alkemio are built on top of the Excalidraw component.
You can see many more examples of what can be done on that platform via their own online hosted environment (tip: browse their libraries).
Kudos to the Excalidraw team for what they have created, and very much looking forward to helping them take their platform further.
What is next?
To conclude, Whiteboards are a very powerful addition to the Alkemio platform, which we will develop further in the coming months. For now please sign up and explore.
We are looking forward to seeing what Templates are created and shared!