Best Practices Library

There’s no point in re-inventing the wheel.

Kickstart every initiative or process by unlocking the power of collective knowledge through our Best Practices Library. Access to proven methodologies and templates, deployable on the spot and adaptable to your liking. Upload your own best practices and ensure these reach those who need them.

Innovation Packs


There is a world of innovation and collaboration best practices, templates, and insights available. But how do we find them? And more importantly, how can we directly apply them?

The Best Practices Library enables everyone to share and directly deploy best practices for effective collaboration. Choose an ‘Innovation Pack’ to start. Deploy a guided innovation flow, with clear steps, whiteboard and post templates to get your collaboration going.

Guided Flow Templates

For every goal, there’s a flow. The Flow you choose guides your members through the various states of the chosen collaboration or innovation process, making sure your collaborators work step by step.

Whiteboard templates

Hosting an interactive session with stakeholders, brainstorming with colleagues, making a SWOT analysis, there’s a whiteboard template guiding you. A template that enables everyone to contribute, exactly when and how you want them to.

Posts templates

For a-synchronous collaboration Alkemio offers Post templates. These help you to structure the input of your members with a default text or set of questions. For example: your contributors are invited to write their take on things in a a user story format (As a … I want … so that …).