Safe spaces for collaboration education professionals

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A digital space for your work. Empowered by AI.

Collaboration, anywhere, anytime, with anyone. Safely.

Designed for effectively working together: community building, innovation library, whiteboards, messaging, guidance, connecting and aligning efforts, and much more!

New! Virtual Contributors

Seamlessly integrate AI into your ways of working. An expert in the field of your needs. Available at any time of the day.

Early Access is now available for a limited time and for a selected number of users.

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Alkemio is built to be a safe digital foundation for collaboration.

Safety in how you collaborate: Who can join. What topics are worked on. How information is shared and visible. Clear roles and working groups.

Safety in the platform you collaborate on: Open-source. Your data won’t be sold or misused. Algorithms are only to help you make progress.

Alkemio is steward-owned, meaning our mission to help society collaborate is set in stone and safeguarded.